The World Radiography Educational Trust Foundation exists to improve education in the science and practice of Radiography, Radiotherapy and allied subjects throughout the world.
For further information click on the highlighted words below to navigate direct to the page.
Photos of recipients of textbooks, bursaries and Trustees at the ISRRT Congresses in Seoul in October 2016 and Trinidad April 2018 are on the photos page, as is a photo and report of "twinned" departments in Ulster and Zimbabwe.
Bursary recipients' reports are to be found under the new Bursary Reports Newsfeed button.
If you are having problems opening and downloading application forms and leaflets, try using a different web browser to access the WRETF website.
new announcements 2019
2018 saw the Trust welcome its 5000th Facebook Group member. Basmattie Sawh was presented with a certificate signed by the then Chairman - Cynthia Cowling and the then Honorary Secretary Alan Budge - to commemorate this milestone.
Latest Press Releases for 2019 - appointment of a Trustee, bursary recipients, 5000th WRETF Facebook member and news of two departments Twinning - are to be found by selecting the Press Releases button.
Marie - Dominique Galy - French Trustee - stepped down in April 2019 having served her full term of office. Her contribution to the work of the Trust will be greatly missed. In May 2019 Keith Piper - Trustee - took on the role of Honorary Secretary and also Education Lead , replacing Cynthia Cowling who is stepping down as a Trustee, having completed her term of office. Alan Budge, a Trustee for a number of years and holding the roles of Chairman, Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Secretary has now stepped down as a Trustee. Alan saw through a number of governance changes including the change of name of the Trust as well as changes to the constitution to align it better with the Trust's mission.
Latest Press Releases for 2019 - appointment of a Trustee, bursary recipients, 5000th WRETF Facebook member and news of two departments Twinning - are to be found by selecting the Press Releases button.
Marie - Dominique Galy - French Trustee - stepped down in April 2019 having served her full term of office. Her contribution to the work of the Trust will be greatly missed. In May 2019 Keith Piper - Trustee - took on the role of Honorary Secretary and also Education Lead , replacing Cynthia Cowling who is stepping down as a Trustee, having completed her term of office. Alan Budge, a Trustee for a number of years and holding the roles of Chairman, Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Secretary has now stepped down as a Trustee. Alan saw through a number of governance changes including the change of name of the Trust as well as changes to the constitution to align it better with the Trust's mission.
report on presentation to kenya radiographers' meeting october 2018
Evelyn Wasike, WRETF Ambassador from Kenya, recently presented to the Meeting, on the work of WRETF. See her report in the News Newsfeed button.
latest bursary recipients
Trustees of WRETF are delighted to announce that they have awarded more travel bursaries in 2018. Ms Aye from Myanmar attended the CSIT congress in Beijing in 2018, Mr Aoue from Burkino Faso has made an educational visit to France to learn more about MRI and Mr Katassou of Togo attended and presented at the CAFIMRA Congress in Dakar Senegal in October.
Evelyn Wasike attended the ISRRT Congress earlier in 2018 and presented her paper. A photo of Evelyn with WRETF Chairman, Cynthia Cowling can be found by selecting the Photos button. All reports from bursary recipients can be found by selecting the Newsfeed button, then Bursary Reports.
More successful bursary recipients include Mr Barare of Kenya who attended the PACORI conference in Ghana in February 2019, Ms Smart of Jamaica went to the Breast ultrasoiund conference in the USA in January 2019 and Mr Tibermacine from Algeria went to the ECR in Vienna in late February 2019. Reports of their experiences at these conferences can be found by selecting the Newsfeed button, then bursary reports.
Evelyn Wasike attended the ISRRT Congress earlier in 2018 and presented her paper. A photo of Evelyn with WRETF Chairman, Cynthia Cowling can be found by selecting the Photos button. All reports from bursary recipients can be found by selecting the Newsfeed button, then Bursary Reports.
More successful bursary recipients include Mr Barare of Kenya who attended the PACORI conference in Ghana in February 2019, Ms Smart of Jamaica went to the Breast ultrasoiund conference in the USA in January 2019 and Mr Tibermacine from Algeria went to the ECR in Vienna in late February 2019. Reports of their experiences at these conferences can be found by selecting the Newsfeed button, then bursary reports.
Twinning - visit to zambia
Radiology Manager Brigitte Kaviani, Assistant Operations Director of the Radiology Department of Sheffield Teaching Hospitals UK visited Zambia both in August and November 2017. Both she and Mr Sydney Malumfu, Radiology Manager of Livingstone Central Hospital Zambia, report on the visit. Their report is to be found by clicking on the WRETF Twinning button. Brigitte linked (twinned) her hospital Radiology Department with the one in Livingstone Central Hospital under the umbrella of WRETF.
donations received
Trustees are delighted to announce three recent donations for the work of the Trust. One is from the Monash Radiography Student Society of Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, that has generously donated some 1650 Australian Dollars as a result of the students' fundraising efforts. Trustees are very grateful to the students for their donation and the fundraising efforts that they participated in to allow this donation to be made. The statement from their President and Vice- president reads " We consider ourselves very fortunate to be a part of the Monash University Programme with access to resources that many around the world do not have". The second donation is from an individual who does not wish any publicity. Trustees are sincerely grateful. The third donation is the result of fundraising efforts held during the recent 21st Asia-Australasia Conference of Radiological Technologists in conjunction with the 3rd Hong Kong Radiographer and Radiation Therapists Conference. Artist Doris Choi donated 5 of her Chinese paintings which helped to raise some 1280 US$. A photo of Doris with one of her art works can be found on the Photos page of the website. These donations will allow the Trust to continue to provide educational resources and travel bursaries in regions such as the Pacific Islands where there is real need for its help.
The Education page is now live. Here you will find links to websites offering either free or reduced cost access to information about radiographic techniques, modalities and access to journals.
BURSARY applications - closing date 20th march 2019 now passed
Trustees welcome applications from those who are the start of their professional career.
The closing date for applications for a travel scholarship or bursary to either make an educational visit or to attend a relevant conference was extended to 22nd April 2019 for conferences and visits happening between 1st July and 31st December 2019. Any radiographer, radiological technologist, radiation therapy radiographer or radiography lecturer living and working in a low or middle income/developing country who wishes to apply for one of the Trust's bursaries, should download an application form from the website, complete it and send to admin@wretf.org. We would particularly welcome applications for one of the travel scholarships that we have, to make educational visits to hospitals or institutions other than the applicant's own place of work, to further knowledge or gain new knowledge. Any applicant wishing to make such a visit MUST make their own arrangements with the hospital or institution they wish to visit prior to submitting their application and supply a letter along with their application, confirming that they have been accepted for the visit.
The Trustees of The Middlesex Hospital Schools of Radiography History Trust have donated funds to the World Radiography Educational Trust Foundation Bursary Scheme, specifically to support travel scholarships for educational visits. Trustees are inviting radiographers, radiological technologists, radiography lecturers and radiation therapy radiographers in low to middle income /developing countries to apply for one of these prestigious awards by clicking on the Application forms bursary button.
The closing date for applications for a travel scholarship or bursary to either make an educational visit or to attend a relevant conference was extended to 22nd April 2019 for conferences and visits happening between 1st July and 31st December 2019. Any radiographer, radiological technologist, radiation therapy radiographer or radiography lecturer living and working in a low or middle income/developing country who wishes to apply for one of the Trust's bursaries, should download an application form from the website, complete it and send to admin@wretf.org. We would particularly welcome applications for one of the travel scholarships that we have, to make educational visits to hospitals or institutions other than the applicant's own place of work, to further knowledge or gain new knowledge. Any applicant wishing to make such a visit MUST make their own arrangements with the hospital or institution they wish to visit prior to submitting their application and supply a letter along with their application, confirming that they have been accepted for the visit.
The Trustees of The Middlesex Hospital Schools of Radiography History Trust have donated funds to the World Radiography Educational Trust Foundation Bursary Scheme, specifically to support travel scholarships for educational visits. Trustees are inviting radiographers, radiological technologists, radiography lecturers and radiation therapy radiographers in low to middle income /developing countries to apply for one of these prestigious awards by clicking on the Application forms bursary button.
The Trust has signed up to giveasyoulive - a fundraising organisation. For more information about how it works please visit the giveasyoulive website and sign up to donate to WRETF. Registration with giveasyoulive is free.
Call for applications: textbooks available for x-ray, imaging and radiotherapy departments in developing countries
Want to gain access to some radiography or radiotherapy textbooks? WRETF is inviting applications from radiographers, radiological technologists in both diagnostic and radiation therapy departments and also radiography teachers who would like the use of textbooks in their departments, to further their students' professional learning - whether that is by providing a better service to their patients who are undergoing x-ray examination or radiation treatment, or gaining a deeper understanding of the equipment they use. Eligible applicants must be working in low- or middle-income countries. For further information on how to apply download an application form from our website.
A number of used books have recently been donated to the WRETF. Trustees would like to see these books getting to those departments in developing countries that are in need.
The Trust has signed up to giveasyoulive - a fundraising organisation. For more information about how it works please visit the giveasyoulive website and sign up to donate to WRETF. Registration with giveasyoulive is free.
Call for applications: textbooks available for x-ray, imaging and radiotherapy departments in developing countries
Want to gain access to some radiography or radiotherapy textbooks? WRETF is inviting applications from radiographers, radiological technologists in both diagnostic and radiation therapy departments and also radiography teachers who would like the use of textbooks in their departments, to further their students' professional learning - whether that is by providing a better service to their patients who are undergoing x-ray examination or radiation treatment, or gaining a deeper understanding of the equipment they use. Eligible applicants must be working in low- or middle-income countries. For further information on how to apply download an application form from our website.
A number of used books have recently been donated to the WRETF. Trustees would like to see these books getting to those departments in developing countries that are in need.
video clip
Sue Marchant - then Honorary Secretary and Alan Budge - Honorary Treasurer, were
interviewed about the work of the Trust, by Sean Kelly of the Society and
College of Radiographers (UK) at the radiology Conference, UKRC, held in
Liverpool. To see and hear the video visit the website of the SCoR via the Links button on the left hand side of this page and select the link to the SCoR. You can also visit youtube direct. The video clip is also available to watch via the video clip button on the left hand side of this page.
interviewed about the work of the Trust, by Sean Kelly of the Society and
College of Radiographers (UK) at the radiology Conference, UKRC, held in
Liverpool. To see and hear the video visit the website of the SCoR via the Links button on the left hand side of this page and select the link to the SCoR. You can also visit youtube direct. The video clip is also available to watch via the video clip button on the left hand side of this page.